Websites that do not support mobile devices won’t get indexed after 5th July.

By Last October, the whole process of mobile-first indexing was supposed to be complete. However, here is a new update by Google that it will be officially complete by July 5.

Google has been running computer programs or desktop Googlebot to check the websites. However, after 5th July 2024, these sites will be crawled by another program or mobile Googlebot as well.

There is nothing to get worried about as Google has already started checking most websites using the mobile program. In most cases, this new change won’t have any major effect on the websites. However, there might be a few websites that still don’t work on mobile phones. In such a case, you might have to worry as it will no longer be indexable.

After the 5th of July, Google will crawl and index websites with only Googlebot smartphone. So, ensure that your website is accessible using mobile devices or it will no longer indexed.

This update has been pending for a long time and finally has been released.

Let me clear again – Even if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, Google may still index it. Google is stating that it will not index your website if it simply does not render or load on mobile devices.

If you run your website only for desktop users, it is completely fine.

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Note: According to Google, the company occasionally still makes use of the Googlebot Desktop crawler for Google for Jobs and product listings. As a result, Googlebot Desktop can still be visible in your server logs and reporting tools.

What do we want you to do? Make sure your site loads well on your Android phone or iPhone to avoid any loss after July 5. Just ensure the website loads properly on mobile devices by testing it with the Google Search Console URL Inspection tool.

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