What’s New in the Real-time Report in GA4?

Most SEO experts usually track weekly and monthly stats in their analytics reports and often overlook real-time statistics.

But do you know by analyzing the real-time data, you can make quick decisions and stay ahead in business?

Google Analytics 4 allows users to track their real-time performance from 0 to 30 mins. It even had a section on the top right above the bar graph that highlighted “Users in last 30 minutes”.

users in last 30 minutes

But now things have been changed a bit.

Google Analytics 4 will be showing two headings on the top in real-time reports – “Users in last 30 minutes” and “Users in last 5 minutes”.

Users in last 5 and 30 minutes
Image Source: https://support.google.com/analytics

In short, you can get a more granular view of user activity, using an improved bar graph that highlights exactly how many users are visiting your site per minute.

With the real-time reports, you can track the following data:

  • Which device—desktop, mobile, or tablet—do they use to visit your website?
  • What source, media, or campaign your users are coming from?
  • Who your audience, or consumers, are?
  • The kind of content that users interact with, such as the screen name and page title
  • User-triggered events, such as the event name and count
  • Conversions that users have finished
  • Users according to user property (relevant only if set up)

It seems that new changes are not visible in all countries for now, but, you may start seeing the changes soon as the Google Analytics team announced its release today.

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Hi, I'm Disha, a passionate content writer with a knack for making complex tech topics easy to understand. I cover a range of subjects from the latest gadgets and cutting-edge technology to business insights and practical "how-to" guides. Join me as I explore the ever-evolving world of tech and business!

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